How Could You? Hall of Shame- George Leonard Frye UPDATED

By on 10-29-2011 in Abuse in foster care, George Leonard Frye, How could you? Hall of Shame, Maryland

How Could You? Hall of Shame- George Leonard Frye UPDATED

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Dameron, Maryland, 63-year-old foster father George Leonard Frye  is being held on $25,000 bond at St. Mary’s County Detention Center after being charged with two counts of child sexual abuse and two counts of fourth degree sex offense. The alleged victims are two foster daughters under the age of 13 that were in his care in 2005.

The investigation began on October 25, 2011.

Dameron Man Arrested for Sexually Assaulting Foster Kids
[The Bay Net 10/28/11]

George Leonard Frye, foster parent, charged with sexual abuse
[WJLA 10/28/11]

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Update: According to,

“George Leonard Frye, 64, of Dameron died May 15, 2012. He was born Nov. 18, 1947. Service is private.”


  1. Doesn't look like too many people are paying much attention to the story, but I can assure you those girls allegations are more than likely true. How would I know? Because I was also molested by this man as well as my younger sister. We were in him and Barbara's care in 1997ish-99. I was 8 and my sister was 5. I had two other sisters but one of them was 3 and the other doesn't talk about our time there. We filed a suit against him when I was 14 but they dismissed our case because he was a good man, despite all that we told them. My sister and I are heading back up to Maryland to reopen our case. Hopefully this man will rot for all the pain he has caused not only us but probably other little girls as well.

  2. We at Reform Talk commend you for pursuing this case. You are brave and courageous to continue after all that was done to you and your sister. We wish you the best and please keep us updated.

  3. You guys need to get up here ASAP! The more they have on him the more likley of a conviction.

    • I agree, the more people who come forward the more chances of getting a conviction, good luck to all the victims, its not easy to come forward with something like this but men who do such things must be punished for it to stop it from happening to others . . .

  4. I agree that its all too easy for a man who is no blood relative to have thoughts and commit acts against young girls in his care, and he should be punished for it, however on the other hand, now that such sex crimes are taken alot more seriously than they once were, it becomes all too easy for females with vengeance on their minds, to falsly acuse men of crimes they never committed, and since such accusations are now taken more seriously, mens lives are being ruined, their reputations tarnished because of false accusations. I actually believe in Canada, or maybe in Québec only, you are guilty until YOU PROUVE you are innocent, wheras every other crime you are innocent until the prosecution prouves you are guilty of it. I know 2 men this has happened to, and it absolutely destroys relationships, marriages and even careers. This issue MUST be taken seriously by all means, but prosecutors must also be aware that some are NOT guilty, and gettiung a conviction at all costs is not the answer.

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