Gladney under investigation by Texas licensing officials UPDATED

By on 2-26-2013 in Adoption, Adoption Agencies, Gladney, International Adoption, Max Shatto, Russia, Texas

Gladney under investigation by Texas licensing officials UPDATED

The US media finally is reporting what we reported last week…Gladney is Max Shatto’s placing agency. It also is being reported that they are now under investigation due to  Max’s case .

“The Fort Worth agency that handled the international adoption of a three-year-old Russian boy who died in West Texas last month is under investigation by Texas licensing officials, the Houston Chronicle learned Monday.

“We’re evaluating to make sure whether these minimum standards were met,” said Patrick Crimmins, spokesman for the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. The state agency is investigating whether Gladney Adoption Center properly screened the adoptive parents of Max Shatto, a Russian orphan brought to the United States late last year.

The state agency, which also oversees Texas Child Protective Services, has previously announced it is investigating whether abuse or neglect were factors in Max’s Jan. 21 death.

However, it was not known until Monday which private agency had handled Max’s adoption. [You could have learned it last week if you had just read our column!]

“Gladney cannot respond to your questions concerning this specific situation because the state of Texas expressly prohibits any adoption agency from confirming or denying any information related to a family and/or an adoptee,” Jennifer Lanter, Gladney spokesman said in an email to the Chronicle.

The investigation into Gladney, a 125-year-old adoption agency, was prompted by a complaint logged into the state agency’s intake system on Feb. 19.

Gladney officials were notified on Feb. 20 of the investigation, which centers on whether or not the private company, which has handled adoptions for 125 years, properly screened Max’s Texas parents, Laura and Alan Shatto of Gardendale, northwest of Odessa.

Max, who was born Maksim Kuzim, was adopted from Psov, Russia, near Estonia. He died at Medical Center Hospital of Odessa.

A top story in Russia

His death, just weeks after Russia barred all American adoptions in retaliation for a new move by the United States to target human rights violators, has been a top news story in that country. Russians have called for the return of Max’s biological brother, Kristopher, who remains in the Shattos’ care, under CPS monitoring.

Russian authorities have said that Max died of abuse but there has been no cause of death ruling by the Ector County Medical Examiner even though an autopsy of the boy has been completed.

Attempts to contact the Shattos were unsuccessful.

“If this is a reporter … we have no comment,” a recorded message on the Shattos’ home answering machine said.

Gladney officials talked with the Chronicle early Monday about the company’s international adoption process, before the investigation had been confirmed by the news organization. When asked at that time if DFPS was investigating Gladney, the executive vice president of international adoptions, Scott Brown, and company spokeswoman Lanter, both said: “No.”

Crimmins would not discuss the investigation into Gladney, other than to say the company is in “good standing.”

Criminal investigation

However, last May, during a visit by Texas child care licensing officials, it was discovered four adoptive parents did not have current background checks submitted before their adoptions were finalized. A year ago, two Gladney staff members and two “transitional” parents were past due for their 24-month background checks.

Calls for comment from the Russian Consulate in Houston and Russian Embassy in Washington, D.C., were not immediately returned to the Houston Chronicle.

Ector County Sheriff Mark Donaldson said the case is still under criminal investigation.

“I haven’t decided anything,” he said, adding that the Shattos have been cooperative.

Brown, the Gladney executive, told the Chronicle an adoption from Russia – before that country halted all American adoptions – costs between $30,000 and $45,000. That includes extensive counseling, training and background checks for the parents, a home study and three trips to Russia where the agency works with an adoption representative authorized by the Russian government.

It includes four follow-up visits by Gladney to the adoptive parents after the child is in the U.S., as stipulated by Russian authorities. A report is written after each visit by a Gladney social worker and sent to the child’s hometown in Russia. ”

Agency involved in dead Russian boy’s adoption on hot seat

[Houston Chronicle 2/25/13 by Terri Langford]

REFORM Puzzle Pieces

 Background checks on adoptive parents are some of the most basic elements of a homestudy. They were cited on at least two occasions for this yet no REAL sanctions.  WHEN will there be real accountability for adoption agency practices?

Update: TX licensing quickly clears Gladney on March 1, 2013. See Max’s case for more.


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