November 3 Theme: National Adoption Victims Will Not Be Forgotten Day

By on 11-03-2011 in Abuse in adoption, Carmen Barahona, Jorge Barahona, National Adoption Month, Nubia Barahona

November 3 Theme: National Adoption Victims Will Not Be Forgotten Day

Today’s theme centers around adopted children who have been victims. Though more children in foster care die than those adopted, children continue to die in adoptive homes.

The case that we have spent the most time on in 2011 is the Nubia (Docter) Barahona case . She was adopted from foster care in Florida after her biological relatives, who lived in Texas, were DENIED the opportunity to take her and her brother Victor into care. Victor has subsequently been placed with his uncle and aunt. The Barahonas, Carmen and Jorge, are awaiting murder trials.

State’s evidence was released to the media on November 2, 2011 following an October 6, 2011 ruling that would allow some evidence to be released. Hundreds of photographs were released. See the video at Photos released of Barahona home  [Local 10 11/2/11]

“Detectives believe Nubia was murdered in the Barahona’s bedroom days earlier. A cutting from the Barahona’s mattress is seen among the evidence photos.

Other evidence photos include a darkened room where detective’s chemicals illuminated remnants of bloodstains otherwise invisible; Nubia’s bedroom, messy and filled with stuffed animals and religious art; and, the home’s front door with several locks on it.

The evidence released included a hand drawn map of the house, initialed by Carmen, indicating where the twins would have time out and be tied up. Her bedroom contains stick figures in prone positions, which could be considered a graphic confession of abuse.”

And this important piece:

“Her verbal confession to detectives has been redacted from the evidence made public, according to a judge’s ruling.”

We mentioned in an August 25, 2011 update here that statements made by Jorge and Carmen about the case would remain sealed.

Originally, they were to go on trial on July 18, 2011. In June 2011, the trial was postponed and the status hearing  was scheduled for October 6, 2011, the result of which was this evidence being shared.

Other articles can be found at Prosecutors Release Photos From Inside Barahona Home[CBS Miami 11/2/11]

“The photos also show a child’s stained shirt, and more stains on the floor in what appears to be the Barahona bedroom.

Police say Nubia was beaten to death in the Barahona bedroom as Victor listened to her screaming and crying until she was dead.

Police also found rolls of tape throughout the house. Prosecutors say the children’s hands and feet were regularly bound with tape.

Investigators also photographed a child protection pamphlet, nearly two dozen soda bottles, and a red tank.

And right at the entrance to the house: barricade doors. The words above the door read, “with God, all things are possible.”

Photos released in Barahona Case [NBC Miami 11/2/11]

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