Some Adoptees in Illinois Gain Access to Original Birth Certificates Today

By on 11-16-2011 in Illinois, Open records

Some Adoptees in Illinois Gain Access to Original Birth Certificates Today

At the outset of this blog, we stated “Rally Reform supports unconditional access to original birth certificates for everyone. No exception.” No exception. So, until now, we have not blogged about Illinois’ new law that went into effect today because it is CONDITIONAL. It is good for those that now have access. It is a death knell for those that are still shut out because as adoptee Triona Guidry states, “no one’s coming back for left-behind Illinois Adoptees.” From a legislational standpoint, the high-fives are being given by the politicians and there likely will not be recourse for those still shut out.

In addition to Triona’s latest post, we recommend reading her previous post here from January 2011 and Baby Love Child blog post Adoptee Rights 101 to frame what this issue is all about. As an adoptive parent, this is something you need to know.

We reported on Rhode Island’s OBC bill here. Initially the bill was to open access to all adoptees 18 and up. It changed over time to age 30 and up and finalized at age 25 and up. So that condition is STILL a roadblock for many adoptees and is just plain nonsensical to have any adult wait until beyond their 18th birthday.

Illinois’ new law allows those aged 21 and up to gain their original birth certificates. (Condition 1). So, adoptees can vote and fight for this country, but they are not be allowed their basic human right of knowing their identity until they are 21.

Then there is Condition 2: Birthparents of children born after January 1, 1946 can opt to remove their names from the OBC during the birthparent’s lifetime if they filed a form before today or before the adoptee files to get the OBC.

Condition 3: For some, as Trish states ” it divides adoptees into haves and have-nots, and further entrenches the expensive, ineffective, inaccessible, and thoroughly unnecessary Confidential Intermediary (CI) program.” Adult adoptees need to be treated as adults. Period.

If we are missing any other conditions on this law, let us know and we will add them here.


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