How Could You? Hall of Shame-New Zealand-Eunice and Steven Towns

By on 3-26-2013 in Abuse in foster care, Eunice and Steven Towns, How could you? Hall of Shame, New Zealand

How Could You? Hall of Shame-New Zealand-Eunice and Steven Towns

This will be an archive of heinous actions by those involved in child welfare, foster care and adoption. We forewarn you that these are deeply disturbing stories that may involve sex abuse, murder, kidnapping and other horrendous actions.

From Whakatane, New Zealand, foster parents Eunice Towns, 42, and her husband Stephen Towns, 52, were spared jail time even though Eunice “earlier pleaded guilty to with reckless disregard  causing grievous bodily harm, and assault on [their 2-year-old foster son] and
Stephen Towns had admitted a charge of assault on a child.”

The boy “was hospitalised with life-threatening hypothermia after being subjected to cold showers.”

“Both admitted abusing the boy over a five-week period during  April and May last year, using excessive force when disciplining the toddler.

That included subjecting the boy to regular cold showers three times a day, and on May 11 Eunice Towns became so enraged, she put the child in a cold shower for 5-10 minutes.

When the unconscious toddler was examined at Whakatane Hospital he was found to be suffering from life-threatening hypothermia, and also had 73 bruises and 10 abrasions all over his body.


Judge Louis Bidois said it was “inconceivable” that Eunice Towns would not have realised the repercussions of subjecting the  toddler to repeated cold showers.
“You could easily have been facing a manslaughter charge if  the boy had died,” he said.
But, the judge said after taking into account the couple’s  lack of prior convictions, their previous exemplary records as CYF caregivers and the stress Eunice Towns was under at the time, he was prepared to sentenced her to nine months’ home detention and 180 hour’ community work.
He sentenced her husband to nine months’ intensive supervision  and 300 hours’ community work, and also ordered him to pay $1000         emotional harm repayment to the victim.”
[Rotorua Daily Post 3/26/13 by Sandra Conchie]

 REFORM Puzzle Pieces


  1. I new this couple as a very young child as they were my fathers friends, I sensed from a very young age that they weren’t nice people after Steve repetitively tried to force me to sit on his lap. It made me very uncomfortable because of the forcing and persistence he made. Also Eunice had a very unpleasant manner about her could almost say soulless. People like this do not deserve home detention what they done is sickening and heart wrenching .. I think the EXCUSE of the statement they were under pressure is plain wrong and not substantial enough to excuse hurting this innocent boy.

  2. Those two husband and wife soulless carnivorous animals who have no regard for a baby will get their just desserts in due time, no worries there.
    God always hears the cries of an innocent baby!
    I don’t know why that judge let them off the hook?!
    Maybe he was a Pakeha like them and the baby boy was New Zealand Maori??
    I would like to ask that woman and ‘husband’ why they used that boy like an animal?
    You two have names out of the Holy Bible for crying out loud!!?
    Obviously your parents should have been called ‘Dumb and Dumber!!’
    You deserve to be thrown into prison but no worries, what goes around, Karma will definitely come around to meet you head on and, pity you two when it does!!!💀💀

  3. God will punish those two colonialists who were dragged up like their crazy parents to hate Aotearoa Maori and their progeny;racist bigots who believe war makes their race superior to First Nation Indigenous Aotearoa Maori!
    Why else did they try to kill the little boy!?
    It’s a reoccurring storyline for most crimes and investigations but to protect Cypfs, they’ve with held the ethnicity of the Pakeha boy, half white/half brown!
    You two scavengers for a loaf of bread ; you got it wrong!
    There’s no full blooded Maori from the day of colonization!
    Pakeha raped us too!
    What could be worse than that?

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